How Has Your Pilates Practice Been?

I always find that July and August seem to be some of the more challenging months for my clients to stay consistent with their pilates practice. And guess what, that is perfectly OK! Life happens. It is a stressful time for children and parents alike, between the anxiety surrounding exams, the inconsistent schedules and timetables for parents, and, of course, the anticipation for the long-awaited August holidays.

This year, I, like many of my clients, went away. This meant that my practice went out the window slightly. At the beginning of my holiday, I felt guilty that I had somewhat neglected my practice, but I quickly saw the importance of rest. It is perfectly normal to take time off from your practice to rest and enjoy your holiday- we all deserve a break. To try and find a balance, I decided to make time for 2 classes per week in which I could move my body the way that felt best- sometimes it worked and other times it didn’t, and that’s ok. By the time I came home, my mind and body were both rested and I was ready to hit the ground running because I had given myself the time to rest and relax.

Just like my clients, we are all slowly getting back into the rhythm of our usual pilates routine. When I asked my clients how they felt about being away from the studio, the most common answer I got was that they understood their body and took the time to move it when they needed to! Many felt that a simple roll down, some pelvic curl, the cat stretch and the rest position helped loosen them up enough to get rid of the back niggle that comes from sleeping in a bed that was not their own.

Likewise, when I was in Mykonos, I did a mini post-jol pilates class every morning to release me and open me up. It was a chance for me to check in with my body and give it what it needed, such as a release or simple movement that energised me for the day of partying and dancing ahead.

Everyone is now back in the studio, ready to keep learning and growing. As we continue to explore the beauty of pilates, we will come to understand our bodies on a deeper level, we will learn what feels good and what doesn't- making the practice so much easier to apply to your daily life. Together, as the AMP family, we are getting stronger, healthier and more in touch with our body one session at a time.

Pool Pilates Post Party - Finding the balance in life to enjoy all aspects of it.

Partying the night away whilst listening to one of my favourite DJs Martin Garrix. Food for the soul!


A Few Lessons From 2022


Let’s Chat About Breathing!