Let’s Chat About Breathing!

"Above all, learn how to breathe correctly" ~Joseph Pilate

In Pilates, breathing is vital to help us achieve a mind-body connection. Although, breathing also helps us ensure that we utilise the correct muscles when doing an exercise. 

There are 2 main different types of breathing- one isn't better than the other, they just have different applications and purposes.

-Diaphragmatic Breathing (AKA belly breathing) is breathing that works with the abdominal area. The abdomen expands out during inhalation and draws back in during exhalation. Diaphragmatic breathing is often used as a relaxing breathing practice. Stress triggers the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system, this tends to result in shallow breathing in which the chest moves more than the belly.

-Costal Breathing (AKA lateral breathing) is breathing that works with the ribs. This is the preferred mode of breathing in Pilates. Emphasising the lateral expansion of the ribcage, while keeping the abdominals moderately engaged, this suits the intent and focus of Pilates movements. In lateral breathing, inhalation occurs through the nose and exhalation through the mouth.

Breathing correctly has numerous benefits such as:

-There is more oxygenated blood nourishing the body

-Improves circulation

-Calms the body and mind

-Encourages concentration

-Helps recruit the correct muscles for a movement

Next time you are doing a workout, take a moment to focus on your breath- notice the difference it makes when you are aware of your breath.


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