A Few Lessons From 2022

As the year draws to a close, I thought that I would share some of the lessons I have learnt.

5 lessons as a pilates instructor:

1. Do courses and workshops to keep evolving. Spend time researching your clients’ injuries to ensure a safe and effective class.

2. Don't undercharge- you deserve to be paid appropriately for your skills and knowledge.

3. Practice as often as you can, whether it is alone or with other instructors.

4. Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it.

5. Don't overload your schedule- take small breaks between clients.

5 lessons from clients:

1. Be open to receiving advice from others.

2. Be able to adapt to the changes life throws your way.

3. Exercise because you enjoy it and because it makes you feel good.

4. Try to do one thing a year that is outside of your comfort zone.

5. Stand now and again when you are at your desk- try not to stay seated for prolonged periods of time.

5 lessons from my doctors' appointments:

1. Listen to your gut!

2. Always have a book or podcast downloaded as you never know when you may have to wait.

3. Sometimes life is overwhelming and you just need to step back- that is okay!

4. Never take your health and your family's health for granted, it can change at any given moment.

5. A good cry and a soft serve can always make you feel better.


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