Reflecting On Lessons Learnt In 2023!

One of my favourite things is to look back on the year I have had and reflect on the advice I have received from clients, friends, family and all those who have crossed my path. 

It's amazing how many gold nuggets I have been privileged to gain by simply engaging in conversation with those who are willing to share. What I love even more is how often the people who give me great advice don’t realise how impactful what they say is to me. 

Let me part with some of the nuggets I have received. Hopefully, you find some of my nuggets just as beneficial as I did. 

5 lessons from a Pilates instructor:

  1. Put sunblock on daily, even if it's not sunny! 

  2. Continue learning, do courses, and learn things in different fields too.

  3. Have boundaries, people take advantage of you if you constantly bend over backwards.

  4. Sometimes clients come in and don't want to train, sometimes they just need to talk things through. Let them.

  5. Thinking with a good Ice-cream can help solve many problems

5 lessons from clients:

  1. Be picky with your clients, and make sure you are a good match for each other.

  2. Loyal clients will follow you and support you in all you do.

  3. Start investing your money at a young age. 

  4. Travel when you are young. Life tends to get in the way if you don't.

  5. Practice gratitude daily- even if it's writing 3 things you are grateful that happened. 

5 lessons from major knee and ankle surgery:

  1. If you’re going to see the doctor, make sure you trust them, do your research, and get second opinions. Most importantly listen to your gut.

  2. You learn who your true friends are when you are at your lowest. Notice who is silent when you need them the most. Equally, the people you don't think will have your back are the ones that sometimes shock you the most.

  3. Find a rehab team who will push you when you’re battling to see the light. Improvements aren't always linear, there are ups and downs but you need to ride the waves to make it to shore safely.

  4. Don't be hard on yourself, don't compare your rehab progress with others.

  5. Crutches are pretty shit at the best of times, but travelling with them is truly gruelling.

See you all in 2024!

Take Care xx


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